Worship and Spirituality Commission
The mission of the Worship and Spirituality Commission, working together with our priests, is to invite our families into deeper communion with God and vital relationships with one another by organizing and supporting authentic Catholic worship and opportunities to foster growth in spirituality.
Focus/Vision/Theme - Recognize and adopt the focus promulgated by the Pope and/or US BIshops to shape our W&S programs.
Evangelization - The church exists to evangelize. Jesus did not say, "Go make buildings, churches, schools, and activities." He said, "Go....make disciples." Evangelization is an integral and important part of the W&S Commission.
Liturgy - W&S is concerned with how we create a full liturgy; how the liturgical seasons are lived through the year; all the ministries are wrapped around the liturgy.
Prayer - W&S is concerned with prayer, the prayer environment of the church, the necessary liturgical ministries, the proper formation of all liturgical ministries, the proper formation of all liturgical ministers, and the way in which all these elements come together to enhance prayer.
Faith Formation - To serve, support, and foster the growth and development of the parish's faith formation programs for children through classes, sacramental prep, peer ministry, youth council, etc.
Continuing Education - Plan opportunities for adult learning and faith formation, including retreats, study opportunities, etc.
Music - Plan the musical program of the Church in consultation with the Pastor, the Parochial Vicar, and the W&S Commission. Encourage the development of choirs.
Art and Environment - Create the visual expression of our liturgical celebrations.
Spirituality Charisms - Feed the faith of the individual and their relationship with God.
Honora Brehm Dan Conte Linda Hardy
Phyllis Harmon Joe Losquadro Kate McLoud
Lorraine Moores Paul Ouellette Terri Ouellette
Rose Schultz
Priest Representatives: Fr. Philip Clement and Fr. Joseph Lukong